Chris has more than 30 years of experience in software development and support, with 26 years in the P&C market. Chris started with Insuresoft in 1994 (in the Applied Systems carrier division until 2004) as part of the team that developed the Diamond System. Since then, he’s helped guide development, implementation, and support for all versions of Diamond and now leads the design and implementation of Insuresoft’s products lifecycle management toolkit, Composer. Prior to Insuresoft, Chris was Manager of Technival Services for CSS, Inc., in which he was also a partner.

Prior to Insuresoft, Chris studied Computer Science at the University of Alabama ans served as the Manager of Technical Services for CSS, Inc. in which he was also a partner. In 2005, Chris was a founding member of HBDA, Inc., a non-profit organization which provides support to individuals and and families in Alabama affected with bleeding disorders.

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